Greater Everglades

Earth & Sea Farm

Specializing in 100% solar evaporated Florida Keys Sea Salt, Florida Keys Moringa and Key West Natural Sponge. An aspiring permaculture adventure in the Florida Keys, surrounded by the sparkling waters of the Caribbean Sea. Located on land adjacent to the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge, on the edge of the remains of wilderness.



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Florida Permaculture Convergence

The Florida Permaculture Convergence is a periodic event for permaculturists throughout the state of Florida to gather, collaborate, discuss, teach, learn, and celebrate each other’s efforts. We aim to facilitate an enduring synergy that unifies our community towards a more diverse and resilient future. The goal of the Florida Permaculture Convergence is to encourage beneficial relationships across our bioregions and to leave an increasingly positive impact on the land for future generations using permaculture principles and design strategies.



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Permaculture Miami

Marcus Thomson (Déva) is the founder and lead teacher, specializing in adult learning with Permaculture Miami - generating sustainable designs and new designers since 2008 throughout South Florida and the world.



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Miami Permaculture Guild Meetup

The Miami chapter of the Permaculture Guild welcomes all interested in permaculture, or sustainable living. We are dedicated to keeping informed about new "green " technologies and helping all who want to become more sustainable. The purpose of this meetup is to keep in contact with our fellow permies, ask for help when it is needed, and to find those in need to give our excess to. Come join us and our community, and help change the way we live. No one is as smart as all of us.



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